Summit Environmental Solutions Blogs

gutters full of dead autumn leaves

September 19th, 2024 Blog

The Importance of Gutter Guards in Autumn

The Importance of Gutter Guards in Autumn Autumn is the time of falling leaves, but unfortunately, these leaves can collect […]

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SES mosquito larvae inside standing water

August 29th, 2024 Blog

How Landscaping Choices Can Influence Pest Activity Around Your Home

How Landscaping Choices Can Influence Pest Activity Around Your Home Are you worried about pests like mosquitoes, rats, and roaches […]

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July 18th, 2024 Blog

Humane Ways to Deal with Summer Bat Activity Around Your Home

Humane Ways to Deal with Summer Bat Activity Around Your Home Summer brings increased bat activity as these nocturnal creatures […]

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June 20th, 2024 Blog

Top 5 Signs Your Home Needs Better Insulation This Summer

As summer temperatures rise, keeping your home cool and comfortable becomes a top priority. Proper insulation plays a crucial role […]

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May 23rd, 2024 Blog

May is National Home Improvement Month

May is known as the National Home Improvement Month, and there’s no better company to partner with for your home […]

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May 01st, 2024 Blog

The 2024 Double Cicada Brood in Virginia

You’ve probably heard about it in the news or on social media: this year is going to mark the rare […]

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April 12th, 2024 Blog

What Are Lawn Grubs?

Lawn grubs are the crescent-shaped, white to cream colored larvae of multiple different types of scarab beetles, with soft bodies, […]

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March 25th, 2024 Blog

How Can Roof Coating Extend the Life of My Roof?

In addition to our fantastic roof repair and replacement services, Summit Environmental Solutions is also offering Shingle Shield roof coating! […]

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January 26th, 2024 Blog

Why Is My Home So Cold?

If your home in the Northern Virginia area is staying at frigid temperatures, even if your heat is on, you […]

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January 19th, 2024 Blog

What Do Nuisance Wildlife Do In The Winter?

Wildlife like raccoons, squirrels, snakes, skunks, rats and mice are common nuisance animals that are known to invade your attic, […]

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January 19th, 2024 Blog

What Goes Into A Roof Inspection?

When a customer is complaining of a roof leak, there are many different things that may be the underlying issue, […]

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January 19th, 2024 Blog

Mice Demonstrate Possible Self Recognition

Original article: Have you ever held up your cat to a mirror to see if it recognizes itself? Mirrors […]

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Total Articles: 215


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