Squirrel Removal

Squirrel and flying squirrel concerns:

Squirrels tend to run away and hide from humans and pets. However, they are not shy about taking up residence in your attic, especially during the colder season. In 2/3 of the cases of squirrels in the attic, there is a litter of 3-5 baby squirrels. Being nimble, they are very hard to catch. Squirrels will tear up insulation to use in their nests, defecate, and make obnoxious noises day and night. Squirrels can chew and gnaw on wooden support beams, walls, and electric wiring. They can cause substantial damage as well disturb the peace in your home. Their nesting sites turn into toxic messes. Clean up of squirrel feces presents a big safety concern. Wearing gloves, mask and following safety practices is very important. Note that a dust mask may provide some protection against dust, molds, and insulation fibers, but does not protect against viruses.

How do we remove squirrel and flying squirrels?

In most cases, trapping the squirrels is the most effective way.  Flying squirrels require different trapping and are harder to get rid of. As squirrels are considered wildlife in many states, trapping them may require a special permit. Be sure to check your local trapping laws and legal requirements as they may differ from county to county.  The safest method of removal is to contact a qualified professional to take care of the squirrel problem. Wildlife control specialists are trained to humanely catch and remove troublesome squirrels and flying squirrels from homes and attics.

Diseases commonly spread by squirrels

Lyme, leptospirosis, rabies, tularemia. Squirrels are also a host for parasites, like ticks, fleas, mites which can transmit a number of diseases as well.

Preventative measures:

  • Do not feed wildlife (take down birdfeeders)
  • Get your home inspected by a wildlife control specialist
  • Seal entry points (be sure that all wildlife is gone)
  • Get professional-grade repairs done
  • Install vent, ridge, and roof guards
  • Squirrel and flying squirrel exclusions


Why should I address the problem?

Squirrels can transmit a number of diseases. Entryways made by squirrels allow for other wildlife and rodents to infest your home.

Services provided:

Squirrel Removal | Squirrel Trapping | Squirrel Feces Clean Up | Insulation Replacement |

Repairs | Squirrel Disinfecting and Deodorizing

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