Top 3 Reasons Pest Pontrol In The Fall Is So Important

Fall is right around the corner, and everyone’s minds are turning to hoodies and bonfires. It is also an important time of year to start thinking about pest control and pest removal in Fauquier County. There are a few reasons that pest control should be one of your number one concerns as the weather starts to cool. From squirrels to roaches and from spiders to ants, read on below for a few of the top reasons you should ensure that pest control is on the top of the list this upcoming fall season.

Insects everywhere

Once the leaves begin to fall and fireplaces are sending smoke tendrils up the chimneys, spiders, roaches, ants, and insects of all kinds look for a place to stay warm and dry for the winter ahead. Your home is the perfect place for them to ride out the winter and they will move in before you ever know what hit you. The best way to prevent this is by having a reputable pest control company come in and inspect your home to ensure that you are able to keep the pests out this winter.


When you clean out your chimneys before lighting that first fire, it’s important to check the chimney for bats and bird’s nests. If you find evidence of bats, it’s important to call in a company that performs bat removal in Loudoun County. Never try to remove bats from your property yourself, as they are not going to go easily and someone could end up getting hurt.

Rats in the attic

In the fall and winter months, rats and squirrels start looking for homes to nest in during the cold. Your attic is warm, dry, and you very rarely go up there, which makes it perfect for them to hunker down in and ride out the winter storms. The best way to prevent rats from invading your attic is to take the proper measures to ensure they can’t get in, to begin with.

These are just a few of the reasons that pest control should be important to you during the fall months and preparing for the winter. If you aren’t sure how to go about removing pests and wildlife you find on your property, contact the professionals at Summit Environmental Solutions for more help today at 703-520-5868 . They are standing by to help you prepare your home for the winter to come.

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